2025 Chamber Leadership Class
The 2025 Chamber Leadership Class has selected Asante Foundation Francis Cheney Family Place as the class project.
The Francis Cheney Family Place provides affordable, temporary lodging for children and adults who are patients at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center or nearby Asante facilities and for their families. Designed for patients and families who live outside the Medford area, lodging is provided based on availability.
The Chamber Leadership Class of 2025 is facilitating a fundraising campaign to support patients who stay at Francis Cheney Family Place by:
• Replacing chairs in guest rooms
• Building a children’s play structure for the backyard
• Purchasing a new washer and dryer for guests
• Installing a new backsplash in the communal kitchen
• Supplying new bed linens in guest rooms
• Stocking the food pantry accessible to guests
• Refreshing the back courtyard
• Assisting with a minor parking lot renovation

Grateful for Consolation
An initial doctor visit showed no cause for concern, but after a few days Elias wasn’t feeling better — in fact, he was feeling worse and a lump had appeared on his neck. They took him back for another visit, which led to a biopsy, which
led to an emergency visit to a hospital nine hours from home. A grueling day of tests and visits revealed acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of cancer.
Elias initially began treatment at that hospital far from home – a big facility where he struggled with undergoing treatment alone, without his parents
nearby to console him. Fortunately, there was a better way. Elias was referred to Dr. Ellen Plummer at Asante. Dr. Plummer is the only pediatric oncologist from the San Francisco Bay Area to Portland. Under her care, Elias’ world changed.
She understood his fears and allowed his parents to be by his side for every procedure.
And thanks to donors like you, traveling to receive care at Asante is easier, too. Although it’s still three hours from his home in Smith River, when Elias came to Asante for monthly treatments, his family stayed at the Francis Cheney Family
Place, which provides lodging for patients and their families, regardless of ability to pay. Staying there, just steps away from Asante, relieved Elias’ family of unnecessary worries, so they can focus on helping him heal.
At 5, Elias is thriving, in spite of his illness. He loves to play and help his parents around the house. They’re grateful for the help from Elias and you!
- Name recognition on the Digital Sponsorship Brochure
- Banner with logo displayed at the Cheney Open House
- Class Project Supporter recognition on The Chamber’s website (ads will run from Dec. 2024 - Jun. 2025)
- Logo on the Digital Sponsorship Brochure
- Logo on the Printed Flyer (distributed at The Chamber’s monthly Forum)
- Banner with logo displayed at the Cheney Open House
- Class Project Supporter recognition on The Chamber’s website (ads will run from Dec. 2024 - Jun. 2025)
- Logo on the Digital Sponsorship Brochure
- Logo on the Printed Flyer (distributed at The Chamber’s monthly Forum)
- Social Media Company appreciation post (Chamber membership required)
- Banner with logo displayed at the Cheney Open House
- “Thank you” with Speaking Opportunity at the Cheney Open House
- Chamber’s website (ads will run from Dec. 2024 - Jun. 2025)
- Logo on the Digital Sponsorship Brochure
- Logo on the Printed Flyer (distributed at The Chamber’s monthly Forum)
- Banner with logo displayed at the Cheney Open House
- Introduction and “Thank you” with Speaking Opportunity at the Cheney Open House
- Introduction and “Thank you” with Speaking Opportunity at the Cheney Open House
- Class Project Supporter recognition on The Chamber’s website (ads will run from Dec. 2024 - Jun. 2025)
Donors will be placed in the sponsorship tier that is equivalent to their donation (equivalent to Bronze or greater to receive package benefits)
Choose a donation amount that works best for you
Donors will be placed in the sponsorship tier that is equivalent to their donation (equivalent to Bronze or greater to receive package benefits)
Meet the 2025 Class